It starts with Daffy Duck in hte middle of... nothing, until he sees a sign that says "DUCK SEASON OPEN" and he scares. A gun shoots him and he transforms into Courage running afraid of a shadow. Next in line are Shaggy and Scooby running against a man in an astronaut outfit, which turns into the Powerpuff Girls trying to catch Mojo. Mojo transforms himself into a jawbreaker and the Powepuffs become the Eds (notice the music), which then become K'Nuckles and Flapjack trying to stop a giant piece of candy. Now it's Cheese trying to annoy Mac and Bloo. Cheese becomes Dexter trying to stop a dancing Dee Dee, which then become Rigby and Mordecai and High-Five Ghost. Mordecai bumps on High-Five and uses his soda can to turn it into a really trippy scene. Lots of colorful liquid come out of the can, and LSP falls down. Jake appears on High-Five Ghost's mouth, capturing Finn with his hands. Jake's mouth releases Lady Rainicorn, on which Finn falls out of nowhere and rides on it. Now there are four Rainicorns?! From Lady Rainicorn's ponytail we emerge to a very distant-ish planet with a humongous Jake releasing out of his humongous tongue, Mac, Bloo, Chicken, Buttercup, Darwin and some others, who jump on top of Lady Rainicorn as if she were a rollercoaster. Now i realize that there are also more characters (Wile E. Coyote, Jack, LSP, Benson and Lazlo). The "Rainicoaster" (if there's a new Cartoon Network theme park out there, please call me) passes by a weird mountain with volcano flares around it, until she bumps her head and the characters are taken to... a black and white zone. They all fall in slowmotion. Finn falls, and Pops' head is actually Wilt's right eye. Wilt becomes Bubbles, and many Courages run. Flapjack opens his mouth (HIS LAUGH!) while many Moms walk. The only "Moms" are clones of Mom from Cow and Chicken. Now there are many Gumballs laughing and sliding Adams and some eyes I can't recall while we see a falling Ice King, Benson, Billy and Bugs. Finn's head is sorrounded by six Bloos, which in turn are surrounded by six K'Nuckles, then six Planks, then six monsters (that red monster character on the Looney Tunes Show - please help) ans six more Planks. Dexter unveils an exploding flask (the liquid kinda explodes), leaving a spiral trail around him. It becomes a black Lady Rainicorn.
Finn: Rainicorn's sleepy. But it's time to party.
Jake: I'll wake her up with a tickle.
Jake's stretchy arm tickles Lady Rainicorn and color magically restores.
Finn takes his hat off, which excites Johnny. Lumpy Space Princess tries talking to Kimchi (he farts as if he was actually speaking a word), Muscle Man wrecks the Flintmobile, Johnny Bravo does the monkey with memorable monkey characters, Beemo dances and I don't know what is Richard doing. Is he dancing? They DO remember Robot Jones! Pops turns the record off and we are actually in the poster. And to finish off, Pops' words from this trippy music video:
Happy near anniversary, Cartoon Network!
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