21:08:33chatfoo ChatFoo Robot: No recent chat activity. Why don't you say something?
21:15:55rBYzsH Anon3243: hi
21:16:15R+/i0/ Anon7505: PHINEAS!
21:16:42rBYzsH Anon3243: Hello
21:17:02R+/i0/ Anon7505: Are you Phineas?
21:17:26rBYzsH Anon3243: NO
21:17:38R+/i0/ Anon7505: Are you what?
21:18:05R+/i0/ Anon7505: A merman?
21:18:24+/MKuv Anon4519: oooooooooooooi
21:18:43+/MKuv Anon4519: FALA GALERA
21:18:57R+/i0/ Anon7505: É O CRL!
21:19:15+/MKuv Anon4519: COLÉÉÉ ZÉ
21:19:22R+/i0/ Anon7505: Viu a sessão da tarde?
21:19:35+/MKuv Anon4519: pra que que eu vo perder meu tempo? kkkkkkkkkkkk
21:19:41R+/i0/ Anon7505: és do brasil
21:19:47+/MKuv Anon4519: sim senhor
21:19:53R+/i0/ Anon7505: Ferbe?
21:20:09+/MKuv Anon4519: ¬¬
21:20:16R+/i0/ Anon7505: :D
21:20:31+/MKuv Anon4519: tchau, tenho que estudar física
21:20:46R+/i0/ Anon7505: Eu espero por mais um utilizador
21:20:54R+/i0/ Anon7505: não sou o Terrumiel
21:33:47QEmHLj Anon1910: no I will not say something, mister chatfoo robot
21:34:09QEmHLj Anon1910: go ride a bicycle made of cock
21:38:50R+/i0/ Anon7505: you are a turd
21:38:58R+/i0/ Anon7505: i mean plannk
21:40:53R+/i0/ Anon7505: have you seen ed edd n eddy
21:50:50zsX7iI Anon9317: sup faggots
21:51:10MupEo6 Anon9679: Faggots
21:51:17MupEo6 Anon9679: Thats a bad word
21:51:38zsX7iI Anon9317: cool story bro
21:51:53R+/i0/ Anon7505: MORDECAI AND RIGBY!
21:52:03MupEo6 Anon9679: Lol
21:52:07MupEo6 Anon9679: FAGGOTS
21:52:12MupEo6 Anon9679: Jk I am 46
21:52:17MupEo6 Anon9679: I am a pedo
21:52:18R+/i0/ Anon7505: planks! TURDS!
21:52:19MupEo6 Anon9679: JKJKJK
21:52:24MupEo6 Anon9679: JUST KIDDING
21:52:24MupEo6 Anon9679: Lol
21:52:30R+/i0/ Anon7505: CHATROULETTE!
21:52:44MupEo6 Anon9679: Why am I even on this lol
21:52:47MupEo6 Anon9679: Omegle is better
21:52:53MupEo6 Anon9679: See ya laterz
21:53:02R+/i0/ Anon7505: PHINEAS!
21:53:38Zb4/G9 Anon7401: what the fuck is dis
21:53:40Zb4/G9 Anon7401: shit
21:53:46Zb4/G9 Anon7401: ;u
21:54:15R+/i0/ Anon7505: Say it once, say it twice or a million times
21:54:51zsX7iI Anon9317: they should improove sound recording quality on vocaroo instead of making some pointless chatroom crap
21:55:05R+/i0/ Anon7505: yes, yes
21:55:30zsX7iI Anon9317: this pile of crap doesn
21:55:36R+/i0/ Anon7505: A MERMAN!
21:55:38zsX7iI Anon9317: doesnt even have cam aviable
21:55:48R+/i0/ Anon7505: NO.
21:55:58R+/i0/ Anon7505: A MERMAN!
21:56:10zsX7iI Anon9317: you are fucking wierd dude
21:56:15zsX7iI Anon9317: autism much?
21:56:21R+/i0/ Anon7505: NO.
21:57:24R+/i0/ Anon7505: YOU should see "MERMAN FLOUNDER" from kmy1205 on DeviantArt
21:58:03R+/i0/ Anon7505: and picture him with his shirt off
21:59:14zsX7iI Anon9317: you should find something more interesting to do than looking on shirtless men on internet
21:59:19R+/i0/ Anon7505: and call him Darwin
21:59:33R+/i0/ Anon7505: no, mermen look like that
21:59:49zsX7iI Anon9317: cool story, you carry on
22:00:19R+/i0/ Anon7505: and make a show on Cartoon Network called "Darwin the Merman"
22:00:31R+/i0/ Anon7505: which will be like "Fish Hooks"
22:06:15R+/i0/ Anon7505: and it will have loads of fourth wall breaks
22:08:30Zb4/G9 Anon7401: :u -the only female here- ;jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj mhm das rite boys
22:08:38Zb4/G9 Anon7401: ;jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj vagina ova heyah
22:08:41Zb4/G9 Anon7401: mhmm ;j
22:08:53Zb4/G9 Anon7401: and sum BOOOBAYYS ;U
22:09:07R+/i0/ Anon7505: THERE ARE NO VAGINAS ON MY SHOW
22:09:14R+/i0/ Anon7505: AND NO BOOBS
22:19:42R+/i0/ Anon7505: sO,
22:19:51R+/i0/ Anon7505: So, what shows do you like?
22:24:55R+/i0/ Anon7505: WHERE'S DARWIN?
22:29:40R+/i0/ Anon7505: Darwinn? Darwin who?
22:29:48R+/i0/ Anon7505: THE MERMAN, NOT THE FISH!
22:29:56R+/i0/ Anon7505: Darwinn the Merman?
22:30:08R+/i0/ Anon7505: NO! IT'S DAWIN WITH JUST ONE N!
22:30:20R+/i0/ Anon7505: Darwin from~
22:30:35R+/i0/ Anon7505: ~The Amazing World of Gumball?
22:30:37R+/i0/ Anon7505: NO!
22:30:41AX+8c6 Anon9120: wut
22:30:44R+/i0/ Anon7505: DARWIN FROM DARWIN THE MERMAN!
22:30:52R+/i0/ Anon7505: Are you Darwin the Merman?
22:31:01AX+8c6 Anon9120: no
22:31:09R+/i0/ Anon7505: LULZ
22:31:25AX+8c6 Anon9120: Are you crazy person?
22:31:34AX+8c6 Anon9120: Is this your asylum?
22:31:39R+/i0/ Anon7505: Just kidding
22:31:46R+/i0/ Anon7505: , this is not my asylum
22:32:00R+/i0/ Anon7505: I don't have asylum
22:32:14R+/i0/ Anon7505: but i have a show,
22:32:22R+/i0/ Anon7505: called "Darwin the Merman"
22:32:38R+/i0/ Anon7505: and, on Flapjack, mermen don't wear shirts
22:33:07R+/i0/ Anon7505: whilst Darwin is the same as "Merman Flounder" from kmy1205 on DeviantArt,
22:33:12R+/i0/ Anon7505: only without the shirt.
22:33:38AX+8c6 Anon9120: hmm
22:33:46AX+8c6 Anon9120: where do I see this show
22:34:06R+/i0/ Anon7505: I'm sorry, it doesn't exist yet.
22:34:27R+/i0/ Anon7505: You could talk to someone at Cartoon Network Studios,
22:34:30R+/i0/ Anon7505: and make the show
22:34:56AX+8c6 Anon9120: it's hardly your show then
22:34:58R+/i0/ Anon7505: and it will become a shit
22:35:02R+/i0/ Anon7505: i mean hit
22:35:04AX+8c6 Anon9120: it could yet be my show
22:35:20R+/i0/ Anon7505: IDK IT'S EVERYONE'S SHOW!
22:35:47AX+8c6 Anon9120: in five years time, Darwin the Merman will be screened to children worldwide
22:35:57R+/i0/ Anon7505: YES!
22:36:06AX+8c6 Anon9120: and you will think wistfully about what might have been
22:36:44R+/i0/ Anon7505: It's like "Fish Hooks" on Disney Channel
22:36:55AX+8c6 Anon9120: and turned into the corporate money making Darwin the Merman, Inc.
22:37:02R+/i0/ Anon7505: NO!
22:37:15R+/i0/ Anon7505: It's just a show.
22:37:31AX+8c6 Anon9120: it will be a way of life
22:37:42AX+8c6 Anon9120: there will be Darwin the Merman happy meals
22:38:00R+/i0/ Anon7505: and more, like toys, t-shirts, more toys...
22:38:04AX+8c6 Anon9120: and small plastic Darwin the Merman action figures in cereal boxes
22:38:22R+/i0/ Anon7505: YES, YES
22:39:20AX+8c6 Anon9120: collect five tokens for a chance to win tickets to Darwin the Merman Land
22:39:42R+/i0/ Anon7505: LOL
22:40:01AX+8c6 Anon9120: and for the lucky few, a chance to meet Darwin himself!
22:40:19R+/i0/ Anon7505: YES!!
22:41:41AX+8c6 Anon9120: anyway, I have to turn into Batman now
22:41:51AX+8c6 Batman: I must go
22:41:54AX+8c6 Batman: my people need me
22:42:06R+/i0/ Anon7505: Anyway, I'm Darwin.
22:42:12R+/i0/ Anon7505: The merman
22:42:17R+/i0/ Anon7505: from that show.
22:42:20AX+8c6 Batman: I expect to see Darwin the merman figures in retail stores worldwide
22:42:38AX+8c6 Batman: I'll think back to this conversation
22:42:42R+/i0/ Anon7505: And you come from an alternate dimension: Batman: The Brave and the Bold.
22:42:50R+/i0/ Anon7505: Darwin is fun!
22:42:52AX+8c6 Batman: and know: I was there. When it all started.
22:43:04R+/i0/ Anon7505: WOW!
22:43:20AX+8c6 Batman: Don't fail me Anon.
22:43:46AX+8c6 Batman: Goodbye, and Godspeed.
22:44:04R+/i0/ Anon7505: I'm actually Darwin.
22:47:26R+/i0/ Anon7505: I have to eat something. Darwin out!
22:48:082Ln2dC Anon2149: bye darwin dont eat too much
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